Links of high interest:

Sunken worlds become visible: the reconstructed Lake Dwellings at Unteruhldingen.

Find more interesting information on the website of the Association Palafitte, and how you can support the UNESCO World Heritage Candidature:

A detailed Online Special about the Stone Age Experiment documented by, the ARD Television Channel:

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On June 27, 2011, UNESCO declared the prehistoric pile dwellings in the Alpine regions World Heritage sites.
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Sunken worlds become visible again: Reconstructed pile dwellings of the Stone and Bronze Age in Unteruhldingen.Situated in the middle of the oldest nature reserve at Lake Constance
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From treasure hunt to eco-archaeology The pile dwellings over the centuries
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Lake Dwellers were already mobile 5000 years ago
Finds were only preserved thanks to mud and moors
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Construction of a „new” pile dwelling
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What is worth preserving at the pile dwellings?
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How do you drill a hole into a stone?
Stone Age techniques you can touch, experience firsthand, and understand.
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Together with “Uhldi”, harvest and grind gain, bake flat breads…
An exciting undertaking in the time of frozen pizzas.
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The experiment: One day in the Stone Age
Why did the people 6000 years ago decide to settle on lakeshores and moors? What kind of skills did they have?
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Inhabited pile dwellings are still existent today in all parts of the world.
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